In this fouth book in the series, three Tasmanian children meet a couple of home-alone kids who live on an old barge in New Zealand’s Bay of Islands. Over a period of time they find themselves heavily involved in a conflict with one of the local oyster farmers.
The outcome is a triumph of lateral thinking, and a signal to youngsters everywhere that it is possible to bring about changes that will help change the future of the world.
Suitable for ages nine to ninety-nine, this is another thought-provoking Ransome inspired tale with a strong appeal to adventure-loving readers. Underlying its clear environmental theme is the conclusion that freedom and responsibility go hand in hand.
in Jon Tuckers own words..”Although this is essentially a work of fiction, it is based on real people and places. There really is a sugar-barge near Opua that two generations of kids have lived aboard, doing their best to cope with rising sea levels, as the book depicts. The black backed seagull ‘Percival’ is the embodiment of many marine-dwelling creatures who have fallen victim to the ever growing flood of plastics choking our waterways and Captain Bamford’s Ketch Swallow also exists…”
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