This is the ultimate guide to liferaft survival for all boaters and its purpose is to ensure the survival of skipper and crew in the event of their boat sinking.
In this essential safety book, expert authors, Frances and Michael Howorth, cover how to be mentally and physically prepared for a sailor’s ultimate nightmare. It includes invaluable advice on the essentials to pack into the emergency grab bag for a short or long cruise, hot or cold climate, coastal or offshore trip. Packed full of checklists and clear diagrams, there are lessons learned from disasters, flowcharts to prioritise abandon ship procedure, sections on first aid and emergency treatment. Featuring some essential content from the authors’ previous title The Grab Bag Book but completely revised and updated, the new Liferaft Survival Guide is what you need right now to stay safe at sea and covers up to date information on the way satellites and beacons work, world monitoring of distress signals and advances in medical practice.
Preparation and planning are key for safe enjoyable sailing. Every boater needs to plan and prepare, and every boater should read this book. This unique survival at sea handbook helps you ensure your crew’s survival in a liferaft. Buy it, build your own grab bag and be sure to be prepared!
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