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Author: Rebecca Hayter


  • Paperback
  • 230mm x 153mm
  • 200 pages
  • 0.35kg
  • Colour photographs
  • Published 2021

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A Sailing Adventure with Ocean Racer Ross Field.

When New Zealand ocean racing skipper Ross Field retired from professional sailing, he was already looking for his next, unusual adventure. In a dusty boatyard in France, he bought a 20-year-old aluminium yacht. She was a mess, but he knew the yacht was immensely strong. Ross named her Rosemary, refitted her for the high latitudes and set his sights on the Northwest Passage.

Yachting journalist Rebecca Hayter followed his refit in detail, and then she signed on as crew.

In this book, Rebecca recounts life on board, the highs and lows of ocean cruising, and her own personal challenges.
She shares Ross’s war stories from famous yacht races, laughs at his jokes and observes his boat handling skills in the storms of the North Atlantic.

The central part of the story is set in the chilling vastness of Greenland Fjords: icebergs, whales and ‘fishing boats that munch growlers for breakfast’

Rebecca also shares excerpts from Sheila in the Wind, written by her father Adrian Hayter, who sailed around the world single-handed in the 1950s and 60s. He set sail out of desperation with virtually no sailing knowledge, navigating by sextant, communicating ship-to-ship by Morse code.
It’s a poignant juxtaposition to Rebecca’s experience, sailing with one of New Zealand’s most experienced ocean skippers, with instant navigation, communication and highly skilled in weather routing technology to avoid North Atlantic storms.

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