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  • Paperback
  • 140mm x 215mm
  • 246 pages
  • Monochrome photographs and drawings
  • 3rd edition
  • Published 2011

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Techniques for Modern and Traditional Ropes.

This 2011 edition has added additional wire splices and information on the choice of wire. Also a new section on decorative ropework, such as rope fenders, chafing gear and others.
This is the only book we know of that is dedicated entirely to splicing modern ropes. The book includes step-by-step illustrations and explanations for the most useful and popular splices in traditional twisted and modern braided ropes. It covers every kind of splicing project a boatie is likely to encounter, from the purely functional to the mainly decorative. The text and illustrations cover the most modern cordage such as Spectra, and includes wire splicing and rope-to-wire connection.
Barbara Merry has the experience of twenty years marine trade ropework; John Darwin is a master of rope technology and has an extensive background at sea as deckhand and master, prior to employment with a large rope manufacturer.

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