Reproduced from US Government published tables. Pbk, 215mm x 265mm.
These are exact reproductions of the official US and hence British tables for sight reduction.
Volumes 2 and 3 are perpetual, volume 2 being the most wanted as it covers all voyaging between the most frequented parallels of latitude, 40 degrees north to 40 degrees south. The declination limits allow sights of the sun, Moon and navigational planets, as well as the majority of navigational stars.
Volume 1, Selected Stars, includes stars having declinations beyond the limits bounded by volumes 2 and 3, and also serves as a means of predicting star azimuths and altitudes for planning early star sights to allow the use of a well-lit horizon. This volume also serves the same purpose as and eliminates the need for a star identifier. Each edition of Volume 1 covers only a five-year period.
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