BOAT BOOKS: How to design a boat - title summary of our huge WORLDWIDE range of books on boat, ship and yacht design.

Boat and Yacht Design

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Aero-Hydrodynamics and the Performance of Sailing YachtsFabio Fossati$NZ110.00
Elements of Boat Strength, TheDave Gurr$NZ70.00
Elements of Yacht Design (Skene's original)Norman L. Skene$NZ65.00
Gaff Rig Handbook, TheJohn Leather$NZ75.00
Introduction to Yacht DesignIan Nicolson$NZ50.00
Pelin Boat Plans CatalogueFrank Pelin$NZ30.00
Pete Culler On Wooden BoatsEdited by John Burke$NZ55.00
Plans & Dreams. Volume 1Paul Gartside$NZ160.00
Plans & Dreams. Volume 2Paul Gartside$NZ160.00
Practical Junk RigHG Hasler & JK McLeod$NZ130.00
Principles of Yacht Design, 5th EditionLars Larsson et al$NZ140.00
Understanding Boat Design, Fourth EditionTed Brewer$NZ40.00